Han Weidi - 24 paragons of filial piety

The Emperor's care of his mother was thorough to the last detail. He would wait by her bedside without closing his eyes, often forgetting to change his robes. As soon as the servants had prepared any dose of medicine, the Emperor would first sample the mixture himself, to make sure it was neither too hot nor too weak. As soon as it was fit to drink, he would spoon-feed the mixture himself to his mother.

Many years passed, and the Learned Emperor nursed his mother throughout. He earned the praises of all the citizens. An outstanding leader, he was also a most unusual, filially-devoted son, and set the standards of behavior towards parents. The people of China respected him, and accepted his teaching. They were deeply influenced and transformed by his model of virtue. The people in their turn, practiced filial respect towards their parents, and treated them well. The Learned Emperor's name, Han Wendi, has passed down through a thousand ages to the present - people still admire his model of virtuous, selfless conduct.

A verse in his honor says:

Both filial and humane, he was known throughout the land
Awesome as a leader, he ruled the Hundred Kings
For three long years he nursed his ailing mother, the Empress
Duty-bound, he tasted every medicine she took

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